My comments :
1. First of all we have to assume that this letter is genuinely arriving from the hands of JC and the fact that it has been published on the official Labour Website might indicate that the assumption - until further notica - might be justified.
If we do accept that this letter has been written by JC, we – even
allowing the consideration, that JC might have opted for the
perspective as leader of the (entire) Labour party, who “has to”
address the full spectre of opinions from within the party and
therefor not being in the position, of posing too controversial
questions – immediately have to ask the question, why he would try
to completely accommodate to (i.e. to plead guilty to) almost the
entire encyclopedia of (mainly politically motivated) criticism, that
has been thrown at him by his opponents, be it (cross-party)
pro-zionist Jews, be it pro zionist Christians and/or others.
Might he have been (ill-) advised by – for example – his
over-ambitious deputy Watson et al. – who in the past has been
clearly identified of trying to remove JC from his leadership
position – to try to (opportunistically) eliminate any apparent
reference to whatever weaponized use of the definition of
antisemitism at all.
Let alone of even daring to question the definition of antisemitism
used (in bad faith, for obviously with the wrong intentions) by his
opponents in the first place (*) and subsequently – for example –
daring to specify / include that same notion, towards the all too
legitimate question of BDS and antisemitism and/or towards the
question of ethno-nationalism (the racist Jabotinsky variety) and
antisemitism and/or towards the question of ethno-exceptionalism and
Otherwise : Has the veteran warrior for human rights, JC finally and
suddenly been intimidated by his opponents in such a way and manner,
that he might have felt forced to represent the (rather distorted,
for a-typical for the MP JC as we know him) views on the subject of
antisemitism, as he did in his letter.
Intimidated in a way maybe – and I have to state some educated
guesswork in this respect – that he might have been blackmailed in
one way or another, towards his apparent statement on the matter of
Labour and antisemitism.
I have to ask these questions too, partly because JC – the lifelong
activist against injustice and many times smeared all over by his
enemies – would know by now, that whenever he (not least in the
strikingly subservient way, that he formulated his letter) would
admit to any wrongdoing (according to the politicised accusations of
his political opponents, that is), the next stage would and will be,
that he will be confronted with the unconditional demand of direct,
decisive and punitive action against all those, who his opponents
will put in front of him on a list.
Knowing that – even if JC would fulfil all their impossible demands
– he would lose all his credibility as party leader : So he seems
to have himself manoeuvred into a lose-lose situation, which is
exactly what his opponents are aiming at.
So Corbyn – for whatever reason – seems to have bent completely
to (the tactics of) his adversaries and by doing so, rendered himself
completely to potential political oblivion…
10. If
indeed this might be the case, I think it is about time, that others
in the Labour Party – both MP’s, members and affiliates /
sympathisers – will stand up against the LFI (and organisations
with similar destructive tactics) and (more concretely) protect
their party leader against the daily barrage of smear attacks that
he is up against and which maybe even has finally broken his
fighting spirit (given the position of apparently complete
surrender, that he seems to have been demonstrating in his supposed
(rather unbalanced, self-accusative and non-assertive) letter,
printed above)..
(*) A world wide effort has been staged by Jewish and Chritian zionist interest groups in order to a. change the definition of antisemitism in such a way, that it will suit the geo-political intentions (policies) of jewish and Christian zionists and b. this opportunistically changed definition has to be incorporated into the national legislation of as many nations as possible, as well as incorporated in as many as international treaties as much as possible.
The main aim of this strategy is to try to mute any criticism against the ongoing ethnic cleansing of the so-called occupied territories while those territories will be annexed to "Israel proper" and - in the middle long term - to expel all non-Jewish people from "Israel".
The re-definition of antisemitism has been taken shape by - for example - the re-definition (adaption) of the notion of "Israel" : Israel in the new definition includes "the occupied territories", which are conveniently re-defined as "disputed territories".
The factual definition of "Israel" (by the ultra-zionists that is) is - after the remake - equivalent to "Eretz-Israel.
But the aimed for perception is the use of the word Israel while implicitly meaning Eretz-Israel and subsequently declaring anti-Israel protests, a illustration of antisemitism.
In this highly manipulative frame, any endorsement for BDS has been "universally" declared anti-semitism, so any politician (within the reach of power) that proclaims BDS, is being accused of antisemitism
Another geo-political goal is the apprehension of regional hegemony for "Israel" and to obtain this goal by executing the infamous Yinon plan : Invading a number of crucial nations in the region, initiate a process of regime change and dividing those nations by military force along the lines of disunited ethnic communities...
Moreover, the tel Aviv regime has decided not to fight the actual wars to achieve this Yinon-plan objective itself, but to have its allies (such as the USA) deliver the heavy military effort.
In this context one has to read the notorious "seven states in five years memo" published (revealed) by the hands of former NATO four star general Wesley Clark, a memo that has been written by the USA neo-conservatives, as a blue-print for many proxy wars by the West. in the ME.
Any actor - be it a nation be it an individual politician - that dares to frustrate this geo-political endeavour, is being systematically vilified, as we can clearly observe by the smear campaign against JC and against Russia (the latter preventing the selling out of Syria).
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