woensdag 15 januari 2014

Wat er echt op het grafschrift van Sharon zou moeten staan....

Wat er echt op het grafschrift van Sharon zou moeten staan

Er is een sprookje van de grote Jiddische schrijver Anski dat 'De Dibbuk' heet. Volgens de traditie is de Dibbuk de ziel van een overledene, die door zijn zonden niet van de wereld kan vertrekken en zich hecht aan een nog levend mens. Pas als al zijn misdaden hier op aarde zijn rechtgezet, kan de kwade ziel de tussenwereld tussen de doden en de levenden verlaten en eindelijk rust krijgen. De ziel van Ariel Sharon, de Israëlische ex-premier en militair die vrijdag na een coma van acht jaar op 85-jarige leeftijd overleed, zal nog lang op zijn rust moeten wachten.
Ariel Sharon werd in 1928 als Ariel Scheinermann geboren in de nederzetting Kfar Malal. Op veertienjarige leeftijd sloot hij zich aan bij de Haganah, de zionistische milities die vijf jaar later de kern zouden gaan vormen van het Israëlische leger. Als jonge onderofficier nam hij deel aan de oorlog waarin 700.000 Palestijnen van hun land werden verdreven, en de Israëlische staat werd gevestigd.

Sharon ontwikkelde zich al vroeg tot een zionistische hardliner en soldaat, in een land waarin hardliners en soldaten officieel of achter de schermen altijd de toon hebben gezet. Hij schrok er niet voor terug zijn meerderen te bekritiseren omdat die in zijn ogen niet meedogenloos genoeg waren geweest, en daardoor de kans op de vestiging van een groot Israël in heel historisch Palestina hadden laten schieten. De kritische biograaf Baruch Kimmerling stelt dat Sharon zich toen al zijn kenmerkende politieke stijl eigen maakte, doorspekt met beschuldigingen van lafheid en gebrek aan daadkracht aan het adres van de politieke en militaire top.

Minachting voor levens
Sharons leven bleef nauw verbonden met de geschiedenis van zijn staat en de permanente oorlog die zij voerde tegen de Palestijnen. Al vroeg in zijn carrière toonde hij de absolute minachting voor de levens van zijn tegenstanders die ervoor heeft gezorgd dat zijn loopbaan met lijken van Palestijnse burgerslachtoffers is bezaaid. Na de oorlog van 1948 bleven de grenzen tussen Israël en de omringende Arabische staten betwist. Over en weer vonden guerrilla-acties plaats waarbij slachtoffers vielen. Sommige acties waren bedoeld om de ligging van de grenzen te beïnvloeden, en andere waren simpelweg wraakacties. Israël ontwikkelde daarbij de ook later nog veel toegepaste filosofie dat vergeldingsacties gericht tegen de Arabische staten en hun inwoners gerechtvaardigd waren, omdat die de Palestijnse guerrilla's, of Fedayeen, in toom zouden moeten houden.

Om de krachtsverhoudingen blijvend te laten omslaan ten gunste van de nieuwe staat, richtte Israël de geheime Eenheid 101 op. Sharon kreeg het commando. Na kleinere aanvallen op Bedoeïenen en een vluchtelingenkamp ondernam Sharon op 15 oktober 1953 de actie die zijn naam definitief vestigde. Twee dagen eerder waren een Israëlische vrouw en twee kinderen omgekomen bij een actie van Fedayeen. Sharon sloeg genadeloos terug, en ging daarbij zelfs de orders van zijn generaals ver voorbij. In het Palestijnse dorp Qibiya, dat toen binnen het grondgebied van Jordanië lag, liet hij door zijn eenheid ongeveer 45 huizen opblazen met de bewoners er nog in. Hierbij kwamen 69 mannen, vrouwen en kinderen om.

Internationaal leidde de slachting in Qibiya tot grote ophef. De Israëlische premier Ben Goerion, de historische leider van de Arbeiderspartij, moest Sharon zelfs op het matje roepen. Tijdens het gesprek raakte hij echter zo onder de indruk van de daadkrachtige jonge officier dat hij Sharon in bescherming nam tegen zijn superieuren. De protectie van Ben Goerion hielp Sharons militaire carrière. Bovendien leerde Qibiya hem dat het in Israël altijd mogelijk is een relatief klein grensincident op te blazen tot een aanleiding voor verregaande militaire actie. Door een combinatie van het creëren van voldongen feiten en het bespelen van de Israëlische publieke opinie zijn het militaire oppercommando en de politiek relatief eenvoudig tot een hardere koers te dwingen.

In de politiek

Keer op keer in zijn loopbaan zou Sharon van deze lessen gebruik maken. Dankzij de protectie van Ben Goerion en de Arbeiderspartij, die tot in de jaren zeventig hegemonie hadden in de Israëlische politiek, kreeg hij een belangrijke militaire positie in de Zesdaagse Oorlog van 1967. Zijn relatie met zijn superieuren bleef echter problematisch, en rond de voor Israël veel slechter verlopen Jom Kipoeroorlog van 1973 begon Sharon aan een politieke carrière. Hij stelde zich al vroeg op als de voorvechter van de Joodse kolonisten, die van de Israëlische verovering van de Westelijke Jordaanoever en de Gazastrook van 1967 gebruik maakten om Palestijns gebied te koloniseren. Sharon, nooit te beroerd om zelf vuile handen te maken, gebruikte zijn parlementaire onschendbaarheid om eigenhandig nieuwe illegale nederzettingen op te richten.

Ondanks de vroegere bescherming van de Arbeiderspartij zou Sharon zijn belangrijkste politieke stappen zetten als medeoprichter van Likoed, een combinatie van partijen die na 1973 streefden naar een nog hardere koers tegenover de Palestijnen en de Arabische staten. Als minister van Defensie voor Likoed was Sharon in 1982 verantwoordelijk voor de misdaad die voor altijd aan zijn naam verbonden zal blijven, de massaslachting in de Palestijnse vluchtelingenkampen Sabra en Shatila.
De Palestijnse vluchtelingenkampen in Zuid-Libanon vormden een belangrijke uitvalsbasis voor Palestijnse verzetsgroepen. Dit was zowel uiterst rechtse christelijke fracties in Libanon als Israël een doorn in het oog. In juni 1982 viel Israël Libanon binnen, in nauwe samenwerking met christelijke milities. Sharon zelf zei over deze samenwerking:
'Wij wilden niet dat onder onze eigen soldaten slachtoffers zouden vallen bij straatgevechten, en de jacht op terroristen kon veel effectiever worden uitgevoerd door Arabisch sprekende Libanezen ... Libanese troepen werden gevraagd om samen met de IDF [het Israëlische leger] West-Beirut binnen te trekken. Het zou hun werk zijn om door te dringen in de wijken en de terroristen op te ruimen.'
Wat dit in praktijk betekende werd al snel duidelijk. Op 14 september van dat jaar werd de rechtse president van Libanon vermoord. Twee dagen later omsingelde het Israëlische leger Sabra en Shatila, en gaf toestemming aan extreem-rechtse Libanese milities om de kampen in te trekken. Van de donderdag tot de zondag trokken de militieleden van huis tot huis, en vermoordden met mitrailleurs en bijlen 3.500 Palestijnse bewoners. Een later onderzoek toonde aan dat het Israëlische leger de slachting moedwillig had laten gebeuren. Sharon moest aftreden als minister.

Tweede Intifada
Sharon verliet de politiek niet. In 2000 bracht hij onder zware bescherming van de Israëlische politie een provocerend bezoek aan de Al Aqsamoskee op de Tempelberg. De aanblik van deze hardliner die elke vorm van overleg met de Palestijnen afwees, openlijk verkondigde dat 'de Palestijnen al een staat hebben, namelijk Jordanië', en bovendien de verantwoordelijke voor Sabra en Shatila, die de voor moslims heiligste plek van Jeruzalem binnendrong, was de directe aanleiding voor het uitbreken van de Tweede Intifada. Sharon gebruikte de roep om repressie die hierop volgde om terug te komen in het centrum van de Israëlische politiek, en in 2001 werd hij premier.

Onder alle omstandigheden zou Sharon gekozen hebben voor een harde lijn, maar de aanslagen van 11 september van dat jaar stelden hem in staat de Israëlische onderdrukking van de Tweede Intifada te plaatsen in de context van Amerika's wereldwijde 'oorlog tegen het terrorisme'. Sharon deed zijn reputatie eer aan. In april 2002 liet hij het Israëlische leger het Palestijnse vluchtelingenkamp in Jenin binnentrekken en een slachting aanrichten. Hij begon de bouw van de Muur, die ruim 600 kilometer lang Israëls apartheid symboliseert. De zogenaamde 'Routekaart naar de Vrede' die hij in 2003 aanvaardde, bevatte nauwelijks betekenisvolle concessies aan de Palestijnen.

De New York Times herdacht Sharon met de kop 'The Israeli hawk who sought peace on his own terms'. Ook de voor Israël relatief progressieve Israëlische krant Haaretz en De Volkskrant presenteerden Sharon als een hardliner die aan het eind van zijn leven een draai richting vrede had gemaakt. De belangrijkste aanwijzing voor deze bewering vormt de gedwongen ontruiming door het Israëlische leger van nederzettingen rond Gaza in 2005. Sharons imago als de kampioen van de kolonisten liep daarbij in Israël een deuk op, maar met terugwerkende kracht is duidelijk hoe weinig deze ontruiming met serieuze stappen richting vrede te maken hadden. Veel van de kolonisten vertrokken van Gaza naar de Westelijke Jordaanoever, waar de nederzettingen mochten doorgroeien. En in Gaza zelf werd door de gedwongen evacuatie van Joodse kolonisten de weg geopend voor de complete blokkade en de bloedige bombardementen van 2009. Sharons ontruiming van de nederzettingen bleek vooral het schootsveld te hebben vrijgemaakt.

Sharon zelf zou het niet meer bewust meemaken. In januari 2006 raakte hij in een diepe coma, waaruit hij niet meer is ontwaakt. Maar de confrontatiepolitiek die hij zijn hele loopbaan lang heeft verfijnd is moeiteloos overgenomen door anderen. Ze is, als de Dibbuk in Anski's verhaal, vastgehecht aan de ziel van Israël zelf. De overlijdensberichten in De Volkskrant, Haaretz en de New York Times doen hun best om de witte plekken te vinden in Sharons pikzwarte leven. Maar wat ze ook schrijven, zijn echte grafschrift zal zijn: 'Hier rust het lichaam van een moordenaar. Zijn geest dwaalt rusteloos rond totdat al het onrecht dat hij heeft aangericht is rechtgezet.'
Pepijn Brand / Historicus, docent UvA  / d.d. 13 januari 2014


maandag 13 januari 2014

Revealed : How gangs used the Freemasons to corrupt police

Gangsters able to recruit police officers through secret society, says investigation for Scotland Yard


Secret networks of Freemasons have been used by organised crime gangs to corrupt the criminal justice system, according to a bombshell Metropolitan Police report leaked to The Independent.

Operation Tiberius, written in 2002, found underworld syndicates used their contacts in the controversial brotherhood to “recruit corrupted officers” inside Scotland Yard, and concluded it was one of “the most difficult aspects of organised crime corruption to proof against”.

The report – marked “Secret” – found serving officers in East Ham east London who were members of the Freemasons attempted to find out which detectives were suspected of links to organised crime from other police sources who were also members of the society.

Famous for its secret handshakes, Freemasonry has long been suspected of having members who work in the criminal justice system – notably the judiciary and the police.

The political establishment and much of the media often dismiss such ideas as the work of conspiracy theorists. 

However, Operation Tiberius is the second secret police report revealed by The Independent in the last six months to highlight the possible issue.

Project Riverside, a 2008 report on the rogue private investigations industry by the Serious Organised Crime Agency, also claimed criminals attempt to corrupt police officers through Freemason members in a bid to further their interests.

Concerns over the influence of Freemasons on the criminal justice system in 1998 led former Home Secretary Jack Straw to order that all police officers and judges should declare membership of the organisation.

However, ten of Britain’s 43 police forces refused to take part and the policy was dropped under threat of legal action.  In England and Wales, the Grand Master of the Freemasons is Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. 

The United Grand Lodge of England declined to comment last night.

The Independent revealed last week that Operation Tiberius found that organised crime syndicates such as the Adams family and the gang led by David Hunt were able to infiltrate the Met “at will”.

Asked to comment on the Tiberius report, a spokesman for Scotland Yard said: “The Metropolitan Police Service will not tolerate any behaviour by our officers and staff which could damage the trust placed in police by the public.

“We are determined to pursue corruption in all its forms and with all possible vigour.”

Read more
Police failed to address Met's ‘endemic corruption’
UK’s key institutions infiltrated by criminals
Case studies: Operation Tiberius uncovers corruption in the Met

My comment :

I simply say : P2 (Propaganda Due) and Gladio and one will discover, that the FM loges have been abused by dubious anti-democratic forces in the world before.


zondag 12 januari 2014

A decapitated Cosa Nostra is reorganising itself – over banquets

First the brash young men arrive in polo shirts and sunglasses, kissing and embracing each other. Then the banquet begins with oysters and Dom Perignon and ends, usually, with an arrest, a disappearance or a murder.

It sounds like a scene from Goodfellas or The Sopranos. But two years of video surveillance by Sicilian law enforcement agencies shows how the sons of jailed Cosa Nostra leaders are trying to reform "la Cupola" – the regular gathering of Mafia families from across Sicily to discuss business plans. It is not clear to what extent the weakened crime syndicate is benefiting, or whether the Mafia's young guns are just playing at being gangsters.

With Cosa Nostra weakened by a succession of arrests, the growth of rival crime syndicates and the lack of a boss of bosses of the stature of Bernardo Provenzano or Toto Riina, the clans are trying to regroup and strengthen the organisation – and enjoy themselves at the same time.

"It's no longer about small extortion rackets. The new Godfathers of Palermo, young and ambitious, need to see each other in order to reorganise Cosa Nostra, and for some time they've been organising meetings in the best restaurants in Palermo," said Salvo Palazzolo, in a report for La Repubblica. Carabinieri have filmed about 20 such gatherings in the past two years.

"Food is considered a measure of their power and prestige. Around the table there are declarations of war, pacts are made, alliances agreed upon and murders are decided," added the journalist Attilio Bolzoni.

Victims might even be among those feasting on the lobster. In 2011, at Palermo's swanky Villa Pensabene restaurant, the veteran mobster Giuseppe Calascibetta rolled up, arm in arm with young Cosa Nostra figures, for a Cupola feast. In September that year he was shot dead.

The Cupola was first mentioned during the judicial probe into the first Mafia war, the bloody conflict between Palermo families that saw 63 murders between 1961 and 1963.

But the Cupola or commission was not officially recognised by the courts until the maxi-trial in 1986-7 of Sicilian Mafia members. This then allowed the anti-Mafia prosecutor Giovanni Falcone to portray Cosa Nostra as a hierarchical organisation governed by the Cupola. As a result he was able to prosecute senior bosses for crimes committed by their underlings.

Many of the older figures in Cosa Nostra have since been jailed. After the bloody 1980s and 1990s, which culminated with bomb attacks and the murder of anti-Mafia magistrates, including Falcone, the crime syndicate also suffered a huge backlash.

Toto Riina, the violent head of the Mafia who orchestrated the brief war on the state, was captured in 1993. His successor as the boss of bosses, Bernardo Provenzano, sought to lower the crime syndicate's profile by concentrating on infiltrating state institutions and on creaming off money from public construction contracts.

Following Provenzano's capture in 2006 and the arrest of his successor Salvatore lo Piccolo a year later, the nearest Cosa Nostra currently has to a "boss of bosses" is Matteo Messina Denaro. But the net appears to be closing in on him, too.

Another expert on organised crime in Italy, Corrado de Rosa said: "I don't think the bosses who are sitting at the tables in Palermo in the past few months are just playing. Certainly they're not as powerful as they once were, and they like to show off, but especially now that Matteo Messina Denaro is being hunted by the state and his capture is getting closer, it is not surprising that they are seeking to reorganise themselves."

He added that with the uncertain political climate in Italy, it is to be expected that the clans of Cosa Nostra will seek to work together more closely.

The Mafia is thought to have made countless millions by selling votes to crooked politicians in Sicily.
The continued threat posed by Cosa Nostra was underlined in December when the Palermo magistrate Nino di Matteo had his protection stepped up after death threats from the imprisoned former "boss of bosses", Riina. One source suggested that explosives had been organised for an assassination attempt.

My Comment :

"Toto Riina, the violent head of the Mafia who orchestrated the brief war on the state, was captured in 1993. His successor as the boss of bosses, Bernardo Provenzano, sought to lower the crime syndicate's profile by concentrating on infiltrating state institutions and on creaming off money from public construction contracts."

1. Do notice the striking resemblance between the described Italian Mafia policy of willfully infiltrating into the so-called upper-world and the UK mafia-policy - according to the (only recently leaked) Operation Tiberius (*) report - adopted by UK organised crime in general and at large.

2. So make no mistake : The Sicilian, Cosa Nostra, the Calabrian 'Ndragneta and the Napolitan Camorra have been role models for organised crime in other parts of the world.

3. Moreover : The three main Italian-originated Mafia syndicates de facto do represent multi-national commercial corporations with influential subsidiaries all over the world, including in the UK (and elsewhere in the EU).

4. However, not only are the Italian mafia clans active all over our planet, but so do the organised crime syndicates from Eastern Europe, Russia, South, Central and North America, the Middle East and Asia (Japan : Yakuza and Chine : Triades) and do not underestimate in this context, the rapidly increasing role of the motorbike gangs such as the internationally organised chapters from the Hells Angels and the Bandidos.

5. Given thereby, that many multi-nationally operating "traditional enterprises" - from the financial sector for example, which regularly seem to be organised into (mafia-like) cartels, in order to make huge illegal profits from purposely breaking the law - have been caught read handed on the wrong side of the law c.q. caught red handed, while aggressively lobbying for the removal of the boundaries of the law, and we can gradually become aware of an enormous world-wide operating apparatus (effort), that is collectively aiming for a systematical overtaking of our precious, democratically based, law-maintaining, judiciary and political institutions.

6. The rapidly disappearing (i.e. the mystification of the) distinctions between organised crime and "traditional commercial enterprises" and their growing power over our political democratic and judiciary institutions, had - by the way - more or less been officially announced by the declaration from Dwight D. Eisenhower about the ever-growing power (over our aforementioned, precious democratic institutions) of the political-industrial-military complex... 

7. The political-industrial-military complex, that seemed to have had a large (if not decisive) influence on the decision making process surrounding the illegal military intervention into the country of Iraq and in the process seemed to have fundamentally undermined the integrity of our institutions and of the people that are employing these institutions.

8. If we - on top of that - do count the numerous machinations of the internationally organised Jewish and Christen-Zionist pro-Eretz-Israellobby, we seemed to able to safely conclude that our regular political and judiciary institutions seemed to be heavily outnumbered by a large number of actors, that are consciously and (sometime even collectively) seeking the erosion of our democratic societies. 

9. In countries as Russia - which is widely accepted as trade-partners and partners in international organisations like the UN, the IMF and the IOC - we already do observe an example of a successfully accomplished coup d'état against common society by the mafia.

10. In Russia we for example do observe the - internationally, both feared and respected) extreme-radical right head of state (the Putin-Medvedev syndicate), almost overtly entertaining direct relations with internationally organised crime (as well as with the theocratic Russian Orthodox Church, that is rendering him his electorate).

11. So I do repeat : Make no mistake, because the young Italian Turks of the Sicilian mafia - the Italian mafia, who even for years had the relatively semi-official comfort of the assistance of an internationally recognized, acting head of state (who regularly adapted the national criminal law at will, any time, he privately felt the need for that : The Lex Berlusconi) and their criminal competitors all over the world, seem to be gradually but certainly undermining (corrupting) and taking over our civil and political societies.

(*) (Apart from the fact, that at this time, official FOIA requests have been initiated towards the UK government, to finally make public the Tiberius report, but) Are not we allowed to deliberate that the apparent decision from the successive UK governments, to hide the truth about the fundamental infiltration by organised crime of the most crucial official institution of the UK, in itself might considered to be a striking example of the disturbance in the balance of power between the democratic elected representatives (including the departments of the executive power) and (national and international) organised crime....

d.d. 12-01-2014 / 14:09 UK time

The corruption of Britain: UK’s key institutions infiltrated by criminals

Secret report shows how organised crime infiltrated judicial system as well as police with prison service and HM Revenue & Customs also compromised

INVESTIGATIONS REPORTER for the independent  

The entire criminal justice system was infiltrated by organised crime gangs, according to a secret Scotland Yard report leaked to The Independent.

In 2003 Operation Tiberius found that men suspected of being Britain’s most notorious criminals had compromised multiple agencies, including HM Revenue & Customs, the Crown Prosecution Service, the City of London Police and the Prison Service, as well as pillars of the criminal justice system including juries and the legal profession.

The strategic intelligence scoping exercise – “ratified by the most senior management” at the Met – uncovered jurors being bought off or threatened to return not-guilty verdicts; corrupt individuals working for HMRC, both in the UK and overseas; and “get out of jail free cards” being bought for £50,000.

The report states that the infiltration made it almost impossible for police and prosecutors to successfully pursue the organised gangs that police suspected controlled much of the criminal underworld.

The author of Tiberius, which was compiled from intelligence sources including covert police informants, live telephone intercepts, briefings from the security services and thousands of historical files, came to the desperate conclusion: “Quite how much more damage could be done is difficult to imagine.”

The fresh revelations come a day after The Independent revealed that Tiberius had concluded the Metropolitan Police suffered “endemic police corruption” at the time, and that some of Britain’s most dangerous organised crime syndicates were able to infiltrate New Scotland Yard “at will”.
In its conclusions, the report stated: “The true assessment of the damage caused by these corrupt networks is impossible to make at this stage, until further proactive scoping has been undertaken.

“However a statement by an experienced SIO [senior investigating officer] currently attached to SO 1(3) gives some indication of the depth of the problem in east and north-east London: ‘I feel that at the current time I cannot carry out an ethical murder investigation without the fear of it being compromised.’

“The ramifications of this statement are serious and disturbing and provide a snapshot of the current threat to the criminal justice system. Additionally the fact that none of these syndicates have been seriously disrupted over the last five years provides an insight into the effectiveness of their networks.”
In one case identified by Tiberius, a leading criminal was acquitted of importing cannabis after he allegedly “bought” members of the jury hearing his case. A named police officer “was involved in some way or another”, according to the report.

Tiberius also revealed the Met was concerned at the time with a national newspaper story on the ability of the Adams family to escape the law by penetrating the criminal justice system.
In 1998, police appeared to have finally made a breakthrough when Tommy Adams was jailed for more than seven years for importing cannabis.

However, the article cited by Tiberius stated that the “only reason the Adams family had allowed the prosecution to succeed and had not resorted to bribery or intimidation to thwart it, was because the other brothers wanted to teach Tommy a lesson for getting involved in crimes they had not authorised”.
The article concluded: “Witnesses terrified into silence, dodgy jurors, bent lawyers, bent policemen and bent CPS clerks – all are part of the same cancer eating away at justice. A cure for the malady will not be easy to come by. Perhaps we should begin by acknowledging that the patient is sick.”

Tiberius disclosed that the Met interviewed the journalist who wrote the story after the murder of Solly Nahome, a Jewish money launderer credited as the “brains” behind the Adams’ criminal empire. The reporter stated one of her journalistic sources on the family was a corrupt police officer but did not disclose who it was.

Another case of corruption beyond the Met, identified by Tiberius, included intelligence of alleged foul play within HMRC, which is supposed to lead the UK’s fight against white-collar crime such as money laundering.

In 2000, according to Tiberius, a key police informant was secretly helping Scotland Yard with an investigation into the importation of £10m of heroin by a Turkish gang in north London.
The deal went wrong, the informant was tortured in a cellar and “an attempt was made to sever his fingers with a pair of garden shears”. His associate was also attacked and had “three fingers chopped off with a machete”.

The henchman Tiberius alleged had committed the assaults was the son of a named Met detective, who repeatedly tried to impede police inquiries into the case, according to Tiberius. He also had a corrupt relationship with a named detective sergeant then based in Marylebone police station who is suspected to have “organised cheque frauds”. Research conducted by The Independent suggests that none of the three men has ever been prosecuted.

The Turkish drug dealer was later convicted and told police he was an HMRC informant. He said he knew of “corrupt contacts within the police” and had a Cyprus-based customs officer as a handler who “took money off him”.

Alastair Morgan, whose brother Daniel was murdered in 1987 before he could expose links between Met officers and organised crime, told The Independent: “Despite all the protestations by police that things have changed since the ‘bad old days’, this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest.

“The police have no desire to tackle this. It would be too damaging to have it all aired in open court. The Met is a highly political organisation.”

Scotland Yard said: “[We] will not tolerate any behaviour by our officers and staff which could damage the trust placed in police by the public. We are determined to pursue corruption in all its forms and with all possible vigour. All such allegations and intelligence are taken extremely seriously."


My comments :

1. This is the text I have added to (one of) the MPS lemma on WIKI :

* 2014 . Leaking from the 2002 Tiberius-report : Twelve year's (sic) after the completion of the (until this very day) secret report, describing the shocking results from a highly secretive investigation (called Operation Tiberius) by the most senior staff of the MPS after possible corruption within the MPForce, parts of the report have been leaked to The Independent Newspaper [92] and [93]. 

The same newspaper also reveals sources from close to and within the MPS, which are (anonymously) stating, that since the completion and evaluation of the Tiberius report in 2002-2003 - which according to the leaks came to the conclusion, that organised crime had been structurally infiltrated into the core of the MPS and various other official branches of the UK law-maintaining services and the UK judiciary - the culture of endemic corruption within the MPS seems to be unchanged and therefor forms a serious danger to the integrity of major criminal prosecution cases."

2. I sincerely hope that the Wiki moderator will not remove this contribution, since I have modified the original text, that had been removed indeed.

3. It apparently had been removed, because the report (and the underlying operation Tiberius) had (already) been mentioned under the 2002 date-system in the row of special events.

4. But since the report was secret at that time and only (partly) revealed today, it is my well underpinned opinion, that the report should not only be represented a bit more prominently (than by just one simple line), but also re-mentioned at the 2014 time-location of special events around the MPS.

N.B. If we would take the announcement in the Indy seriously, that the MPS (and other vital official UK services) are still heavily infiltrated by serious organised crime today (an thus partly functioning as a de facto extension from the UK Mafia), we even might expect "actors from within the MPS" to severely guard the entries on the Forces in media like Wikipedia.

Which of course is not (at all) the same, as accusing the accidental Wiki moderator is on the list of the MPS / UK Mafia. 

d.d. 11-01-2014 / 19:59 UK time


1. The very moment, that the official law-maintaining services and/or the judiciary of a nation have been structurally infiltrated by heavy organised crime, the very heart of the democracy has been principally undermined. 

2. Furthermore : The moment, that the criminally infiltrated services are no longer determined to eradicate the endemic (culture of) corruption and ditto abuse of power, the democratic state of justice has factually ceased to exist.

3. So the electorate has to pose the fundamental questions, whether (a substantial and/or vital part of) the elected in itself - think of adapting penal law and proceedings - have not been highly implicated by the apparent take-over by organised crime of the official UK institutions.

4. After all : The politicians - in secretly operating House-committees - have been told long time ago of the existence of and outcome from Tiberius, but seem to have taken no action whatsoever.

5. Th electorate should also be fully aware, that it is not "just" the corruption within official core institutions, but the accumulative effects of governmental abuse of power such as also has been revealed by Snowden et al. 

d.d. 11-01-2014 / 20:44 UK tim