Israel threatens to give Trump 'evidence' that Obama orchestrated UN resolution
Netanyahu allies claim ‘iron-clad information’ from Arab sources reveals Obama administration drafted document to end settlements, which US abstained from
Israel has escalated its already furious war with the outgoing US administration, claiming that it has “rather hard” evidence that Barack Obama was behind a critical UN security council resolution criticising Israeli settlement building, and threatening to hand over the material to Donald Trump.
The latest comments come a day after the US ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, was summoned by Netanyahu to explain why the US did not veto the vote and instead abstained.
The claims have emerged in interviews given by close Netanyahu allies to US media outlets on Monday after the Obama administration denied in categorical terms the claims originally made by Netanyahu himself.
However, speaking to Fox News on Sunday, David Keyes – a Netanyahu spokesman – said Arab sources, among others, had informed Jerusalem ofObama’s alleged involvement in advancing the resolution.
“We have rather iron-clad information from sources in both the Arab world and internationally that this was a deliberate push by the United States and in fact they helped create the resolution in the first place,” Keyes said.
Doubling down on the claim a few hours later the controversial Israeli ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer, went even further suggesting it had gathered evidence that it would present to the incoming Trump administration.
“We will present this evidence to the new administration through the appropriate channels. If they want to share it with the American people, they are welcome to do it,” Dermer told CNN.
According to Dermer, not only did the US not stand by Israel’s side during the vote, it “was behind this ganging up on Israel at the UN”.
Dermer is a controversial figure in Washington, blamed by the Obama administration for organising the invitation for Netanyahu to address the US Congress in the midst of Israel’s campaign against the Iran nuclear deal.
His comments on CNN seem to represent an even more egregious breach of protocol, not least over the vague sourcing of the evidence alluded to by Keyes and Dermer.
Indeed, Israel was accused by unnamed US officials in a Newsweek article two years ago of “very sobering … alarming … even terrifying” levels of espionage targeting the US refuted as a “ malicious fabrication aimed at harming relations” by then foreign minister Avigor Lieberman.
Last year, however, US officials again accused Israel of spying, this time on the Iran nuclear talks, with one telling the Wall Street Journal: “It is one thing for the US and Israel to spy on each other. It is another thing for Israel to steal US secrets and play them back to US legislators to undermine US diplomacy.”
Dermer’s threat on CNN to hand information to Trump would seem to replicate some of those concerns.
Israel’s threat to present “evidence” on a sitting president, and one of Israel’s closest ally, to an incoming presidential team – and to do it so publicly – appears almost unprecedented.
The moves appear part of a high risk – and even more highly partisan strategy – on Netanyahu’s part, tying the future of Israel to a highly unpredictable Republican president-elect with no experience of public office and who comes from the very fringes even of the party he stood as candidate for.
The US has already denied the claim made by Israel in the strongest terms.
“We did not draft this resolution; we did not introduce this resolution. We made this decision when it came up for a vote,” said Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said in a statement on Friday.
But because of its opposition to settlement activity and concern for what it could mean for the region, the US “could not in good conscience veto”, he added.
My Comments :
1. The Mercer clan et al. ( Robert en Rebekah Mercer, Carl Icahn, Sheldon Adelson, Yared Kushner etc.), all militant, Orthodox, fundamentalist ultra-zionist Jews - and their extreme-right Christian-zionist allies, like Gafney and Bolton - have been buying the election for Trump and the GOP.
2. Now the pro-Israel/lobby from the Jabotinsky-wing is demanding in return for this coup d'état against the USA, the absolute power over the personal nomination of the staff and the Administration, including a Likud (and even more to the extreme right) policy.
3. That policy will have to culminate in the complete annexation of the West-Bank, The Gaza-strip and East-Jerusalem, in a later stade, eventually (wishfully) to be expanded with the "historical" territory, reaching from the banks of the Euphrates untill the brook of tyhe river Nile, and in the North, pieces of Lebanon and Syria, thus completing the ancient Eretz-Israel.
4. Not only will the de jure occupation of the West-Bank and East-Jerusalem and the de facto occupation of the concentration-camp called Gaza-Strip, be the ultimate goal of the eternal annexation of the aforementioned territory, but the entire indigenous people living in the territories and in "Israel-Proper" (which of course, in fact, is no more than an ordinary Western Colony), will to be renamed as "Illegal Trespassers", and subsequently be "Transferred" to "Arab territory".
5. After all, from the Zionist ideological view-point, Eretz-Israel is "The Promised Land", exclusively to only contain "The Chosen People", that - according to the Zionist Christians, is destined to return to Zion / Jerusalem, in order to fulfill the divine task, of preparing the way for the return of `The Messiah`, in order to redeem Humanity.....
6. So in this respect, not only will `the Gentiles` be sacrificed for the `higher aim` of the Zionists Jabotinsky style, but - in the words of the nominated USA ambassador David Friedman - also the Jews, who are still persisting to favor a two state solution and negotiations with the Arab League about the Peace initiative, will be considered non-Jews, and will be dealt likewise.
7. Former Mossad director Halevy appears to have been right, that there might be a real danger of a civil war in Israel, but appears to be wrong, about the scenario, that this war will be between the Ultra-Orthodox (the Haridi) and the rest of the Jewish (and Palestinian) population.
8. After all, if the Jabotinsky section of the Israeli society - by way of controlling the future USA Foreign Policy as I have indicated before - will become the dominating factor in Israel, as well in the USA (including within the rather politically and religiously divers Jewish Community in the USA and elsewhere in the world), a civil war will be between much wider sections of the Israeli Society, and will start much earlier as well.
9. Make no mistake about the position of Trump in that context, because he will be brutely set aside (impeached), if and when he will formulate even the slightest protest or reservation, for the man is only an instrumental vehicle in the imperial hands of the ultra-Zionists.
10. He might for instance become a problem, if the so-called Alt-Right - which has been cleverly manipulated by the Mercer Acquisitions, Breitbart and Cambridge Analytica into voting for the belligerent White-Supremacist Trump - will raise their objections against the nomination of so many Jew-Supremacists in the incoming Trump Administration and even might try to rise to the occasion, and ignite a race war in the USA.
11. Thereby the extreme racist and fascist right will target not only the traditional non-WASP minorities, but will also target the moderate Jews and by so doing, will serve as a threat against all dissent Jews in the USA, as will happen - and has been happening for some time already - to the dissent Jews in the Israeli Society at large, in order to have them forcibly united towards the Likud doctrine of conquering Eretz-Israel....
12. As a direct consequence the world in the near future most certainly, will NOT be a better place to live, but a place of (even more) war about the Western Jewish-Christian domination of the ME, as has been initiated many times in the last few decades, according to the Yinon-Plan, the Clean Break (with the long abided for Labor policy of (in name at least) systematically engaging in Peace treaties with all the surrounding countries) strategy and the Zionist-neocon enterprises of the PNAC and the Redrawing of the Map of the Middle East by way of the systematic break up of all the countries in the region through proxy wars by organizing invasions (Afghanistan and Iraq) and initiating `civil wars` with the help of `Islamist extremists` etc..
13. The redrawing of the Map of the Middle East, and fracturing all the countries in the region, along ethnic lines, so Israel, in the end, can become the leading power in the Region and act along the road of Jew-Supremacism.
14, Watch in particular for the first foreign policies of the new USA Likud shadow cabinet, regarding Iran, which might easily lead up to a dangerous new impulse of the already existing wars in the ME, with the potential of a war, that might extend the region...
N.B. If Netanyahu is threatening to publish evidence of Obama pre-meditation in `setting up the UN` against `Israel`, he seems to be all too willing to clearly demonstrate, that `Israel` has been penetrating the White House even more intense than already may be assumed..
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