dinsdag 30 december 2014

Steve Scalise was, like, into palling around with neo-Nazis way before any other Republican made it cool.

House Republican whip Steve Scalise has a David Duke-sized problem in his past. But he’s not the only one (*)

If you're a politician and your chummy past with neo-Nazis resurfaces, don't worry. Ask Ron Paul

Tuesday 30 December 2014 
I’m not a fan of hot takes, but this time I’m putting my foot down. Nazis are bad.
But apparently some kids missed the public service announcements about it. Louisiana Representative Steve Scalise, the House GOP Whip and third-highest ranking member of the House GOP leadership tried to “groove” on Nazism in 2002appearing at a convention of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO), which was founded by Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard and neo-Nazi David Duke.
Thankfully, now that his appearance has been unearthed, the Scalise spin machine is on it: “Throughout his career in public service, Mr Scalise has spoken to hundreds of different groups with a broad range of viewpoints,” said Scalise spokesperson Moira Bagley. Ahh, yes, and there’s the expected out – he was there, but he only exhaled.
She went on: “In every case, he was building support for his policies, not the other way around.”
Ordinarily, this would sound like a weaselly excuse – ie “The candidate has many speaking appearances on his schedule” – and, for the most part, that’s exactly what Bagley seems to be selling. But she really has no idea what a solid excuse it is this time. Just this once, it doesn’t have to be hot air.
After all, it’s probably not hard to turn a neo-Nazi into a potential Republican voter by telling him that a corporatized, authoritarian, nationalistic, militaristic party is the only thing standing between him and effete, war-losing, left-wing elites who are trying to destroy the homeland via a fifth-column of non-native minorities, college professors, “homosexuals” and other cultural degenerates.
Hell, I’m not even mad about Scalise. I’m just disappointed.
First of all, these people didn’t even have the decency to be an original source of Nazism. They’re just neo-Nazis, which is like hipster Eurotrash for racial violence. (Christ, doesn’t America make anything anymore?) Sure, the neo-Nazis add a few American and novel elements to original Nazism, but they all sound like extra instruments in a cover song.
David Duke peddled all-new Holocaust denial – what with the Holocaust having already happened when he was running for office, unlike in the 1930s when American Nazism was a new scene. There’s the reverence for the constitution in the American strain of neo-Nazism, which you’d expect. And they want to abolish the IRS, a position with which Scalise probably agrees irrespective of whether the agency might also be used as an instrument of Jew/United Nations/Trilateral Commission control. But as for the rest of neo-Nazism’s ideology, it’s just stale: the fifth-column thing, the hatred of unions (unless replaced by ones directed by the “right sort” of people), the love of full employment for male citizens and women working only in the home, the hatred for “homosexuals”. Maybe that was a new trip 80 years ago, but you’d think they could bring something new to the conservatives’ marketplace of ideas already.
Second of all, it’s pretty hard to miss the cultural significance of David Duke, who confirmed that two of his infamous “longtime associates” personally invited Scalise. There weren’t a lot of out-and-proud KKK Grand Wizards who ran for governor of Louisiana, president of the United States and US Senator (twice!) in the 1990s. Jokes about him abounded on late night comedy shows well into the following decade – Letterman, Leno and even on Saturday Night Live. And Scalise was a Republican in Louisiana. Duke’s significance wasn’t even lost on the basketball courts at my southern high school – hardly the most political of places – where a redneck spotted out of his usual camouflage pants and in khakis on class picture day might get called “David Duke”.
Further, as the Washington Post reports, the EURO convention drew both local and national press attention. Blogger Lamar White Jr, who broke the story, notes that the convention took place over two days – meaning that Scalise wasn’t punching in and out of some obscure 90-minute lunch event – and featured promotional materials citing Duke. So Scalise’s spokesperson’s statement that he wasn’t totally aware of the provenance of the event at which he was speaking unfortunately leaves him with the dilemma of appearing either to be a bad liar or a total incompetent.
Scalise even got castigated for such idiocy by no less than Erick Erickson, whose words and deeds usually sound like he’s auditioning for a role in a WWII movie as the piggy Bavarian Gauleiter pinching at dirndls in between faking a WWI injury to keep from getting sent to the front.
Worst of all, Scalise screwed up his neo-retro timing. I just have zero respect for a man hanging out with neo-Nazi groups in 2002 when he should have been focused on saving rock, a new garage renaissance and the post-punk dialogue. If he knew what he was doing, he would have waited – at least until neo-Volkischer and roots-rhetoric came back in.
That is, he should’ve waited to rub shoulders with neo-Nazis at least until 2008 because, in the right atmosphere, the neo-Nazi vibe is downright presidential. For instance, here’s a picture of Ron Paul with Don Black, the founder of America’s #1 White Supremacy website, Stormfront, in 2007. (Black co-founded the site with the ex-wife of David Duke. Gosh, it’s nice at parties when everyone already knows each other.) Paul refused to divest himself of funds raised through Stormfront or their activist support, and they joined in on his money bombs well into 2008. And none of it became buzzworthy or even an ear worm with any of his constituencies: not when Jamie Kirchick summarized Paul’s eliminationist newsletters and included a link to archived scans of them in 2008; not when the Washington Post reported that Paul was deeply involved in production and proofing of his newsletters to create a paleo-libertarian movement; hell, not even when one of his Michigan campaign coordinators turned out to be a neo-Nazi.
None of that would matter in 2014, of course, except that Ron Paul gifted his entire fundraising and grassroots apparatus to his son Rand (including Stormfront moneybombs), who hopes to be elected president in 2016. Rand even added some of his own neoconfederate flavor, with a neoconfederate aide and a spokesperson who publicly posted an image of a lynching. Besides, what’s passing a legacy between father and son? That’s not hate; that’s heritage.
Poor Steve Scalise, it seems, just jumped the gun. People weren’t ready for his sound yet, man. It took years of prep work to make this sort of Übermensch thing socially acceptable, let alone hot – lots of “legalize it!” and “you are economic supermen!” appeals to the balled-and-entitled toddler-fists of the sociopathic libertechian madding crowd to really get mechanized mass-death neo-fascism taken mainstream.
The sad thing is that Scalise diagnosed the need to stylize this toxically reactionary substance back in 1999, three years before going before David Duke’s EURO convention:
The voters in this district are smart enough to realize that they need to get behind someone who not only believes in the issues they care about, but also can get elected. [David] Duke has proven that he can’t get elected, and that’s the first and most important thing.
Scalise’s problem today is that, in 1999 and 2002, the solution to the problem of supporting the same things as David Duke without being him was simply “not being David Duke”. Back then, Duke’s performance was a good roots riff with the wrong kind of front man, and someone needed to deliver the crowd better – but it was too early to go mainstream, even among conservatives. Now, the crowd has started to catch up, but someone like Scalise will be left out.
Scalise’s act was too raw, too amateurish, and his performance lacked enough LEDs or bright white lights – or Web2.o leverage – to ever really cross over to people who love the sound and don’t care too much to look at the roots of it. There are bigger and better acts than Steve Scalise now, who can take this in-everything-but-name act national. Poor man, the only fans left will be the purists. The good news for him, though, is that real fans of his sound are always purists.
Paul with his friend Don Black, 
founder of Stormfront

vrijdag 26 december 2014

The Bear Squeezes Back: Ruble Rises Against Dollar

The Bear Squeezes Back: Ruble Rises Against Dollar 
By Duncan Cameron

December 25, 2014 "
ICH" - "Rabble" - The latest of a series of official Canadian verbal darts aimed at Russian President Vladimir Putin was published [8] December 15 on BuzzFeed.

The content was propaganda or as BuzzFeed would have it [9], advertorial. It was part of a Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) campaign surrounding Stephen Harper's announcement [10] of new sanctions against Russia, which, no surprise, coincided withupdated sanctions [11] from Washington.

On December 16 headlines read [12] "Ruble Routed." The impression re-enforced was that Russia faced severe financial problems, and that investor support for its economy was sliding. The ultimate U.S. objective of forcing regime change in Russia through economic sanctions aimed at limiting its influence in Ukraine seemed to be on track.

The Russian ruble had been falling in value against the U.S. dollar. It fell as much as 11 per cent on Dec. 16. Speculators borrowed rubles in the morning and sold them for dollars immediately. At the end of that day, the rubles were bought back for 11 per cent less, the loan repaid, and the speculators picks up an 11 per cent profit in one day, just short of 4,000 per cent if it could be sustained for a year.

Except that on December 17, the Russian Central Bank intervened in the foreign exchange market to support the value of the ruble. By selling from its deep U.S. dollar reserves, the Russians were able to drive up the value of the ruble, forcing speculators to take huge losses. The new headline was "Ruble Surges."

Later last week, and again to start the week of December 22, the ruble has been gaining ground against the dollar. The engineer of the turnaround is Ms. Elvira Nabiullina [13], Governor of the Bank of Russia, the first woman to head a G8 central bank, and formerly economic adviser to Putin.

By defeating attempts to drive its currency down, the Russian Central Bank had executed a procedure known as a "bear squeeze," the bears being those who believed the ruble would fall in value. Feeding this belief was major misinformation, and misunderstanding of the Russian economic and financial situation.

While an almost 50 per cent decline in the price of oil has hurt Russian export earnings, the even greater fall in the value of the ruble has meant that the ruble value of the oil exports has not declined.

Sanctions introduced by the West against Russia are a form of hot economic warfare. But the attack on the ruble resulted in a competitive currency devaluation for Russia, limiting its ability to import from the West (saving foreign currency), and protecting the value of its declining volume of exports by increasing the number of dollars it receives for each devalued ruble.

As Michael Hudson has explained [14], Putin has responded to the U.S.-led sanctions movement by diversifying oil and gas exports towards China and Turkey, and signing sales agreements in rubles or currencies other than the U.S. dollar. By abandoning the U.S. dollar as its trading currency, and accepting payments in Chinese yuan, for instance, Putin is signalling his desire to break the stranglehold the U.S. currency has enjoyed over oil and gas trade, and within the world economy.

On December 22, China announced [15] its willingness to support the ruble through currency swaps from its $4-trillion reserves.
Russia has a favourable balance of trade and healthy foreign exchange reserves. Its overseas assets exceed its overseas debts. 

Contrary to reports from even American liberals such as Paul Krugman [16], Russia is well placed to meet its overseas payments, as French specialist Jacques Sapir has shown [17].

The Russian economy grew on average by nearly seven per cent per year from 1999-2008 (Putin took power in 2000) before it tanked in the world financial crisis of 2008. While U.S. and Eurozone (except Germany) economic growth remained about zero from 2008 until 2013, Russia grew slowly in that period.

Importantly, in 2014 the level of Russian government debt is small at 16 per cent of GDP, especially when compared [18] to other industrial countries such as France or the U.K., where it is over 90 per cent.

Russian corporate debt especially in banking and in the oil and gas sector has grown [19] and because these companies are tied to the Russian state their operations remains vulnerable to Western sanctions.

Russia is attempting to divert its purchases of foodstuffs to non-Western countries and wants to adopt an aggressive import substitution policy for manufacturing. Instead of importing manufacturing goods it wants foreign manufactures to re-locate to Russia and produce for the large domestic market.

Russia is a nuclear power. In another era, when Canada practiced diplomacy, the goal would have been to reduce tensions between the U.S. and the Russian bear. Today, as DFATD resorts to BuzzFeed, shows the Conservatives eschew foreign policy as such, preferring to promote themselves as pro-American or pro-Ukrainian with the voting public.

An experienced observer, Patrick Armstrong [20], former political counsellor at the Canadian Embassy in Moscow, has serious concerns [17] with NATO policy, but foreign policy distinctions do not trouble Foreign Minister Baird or the Prime Minister. The oafs are in charge in Ottawa.

Duncan Cameron is the president of rabble.ca and writes a weekly column on politics and current affairs.

[1] http://rabble.ca/columnists 
[2] http://rabble.ca/taxonomy/term/6669 
[3] http://rabble.ca/ 
[4] http://rabble.ca/contact/editor/[letter to editor for rabble.ca-node-115240] 
[5] http://rabble.ca/supportrabble 
[6] http://rabble.ca/contact/corrections/[correction for article rabble.ca-node-115240] 
[7] http://rabble.ca/sites/rabble/files/node-images/bear_0.jpg 
[8] http://www.buzzfeed.com/dfatdcanada/11-myths-putin-is-spreading-about-the-crisis-in-uk-tltc 
[9] http://www.theguardian.com/media/2013/jan/06/buzzfeed-social-news-open-uk 
[10] http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2014/12/19/statement-prime-minister-canada-announcing-additional-sanctions 
[11] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26672800 
[12] http://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2014/dec/16/uk-bank-stress-test-results-live 
[13] http://www.cbr.ru/eng/today/print.aspx?file=directors_board/new/nabiullina.htm 
[14] http://michael-hudson.com/2014/12/russian-pivot/ 
[15] http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-22/china-offers-russia-help-with-suggestion-of-wider-currency-swap.html 
[17] http://russeurope.hypotheses.org/3146 
[18] http://www.statista.com/statistics/264647/national-debt-of-selected-countries-in-relation-to-gross-domestic-product-gdp/ 
[19] http://www.dbresearch.com/MAIL/DBR_INTERNET_EN-PROD/PROD0000000000269066.pdf 
[20] http://www.russiaotherpointsofview.com/russia_weekly_sitrep/ 
[21] https://www.flickr.com/photos/23290635@N05/2229807142/in/photolist-4p3kYJ-akF4Bc-pBguQy-6aHZ8p-zgob6-enNj8C-8xaCme-74Unhd-6VFiKP-akEXYP-dm5SLM-bWDE1g-6VKzub-6VKgDE-6VFgfg-7vQb1Y-6VDCdn-9NC5eF-9NDrQR-9NDtMv-9NC2JV-9NGcbW-6VFunR-6VEUjX-6VFcua-akHKUu-yhE6C-akEVVr-8D4fDm-6VFhRe-vJuby-9EEhqP-dm5UAC-6VFegD-5wTUUZ-e4SSdH-61akrJ-27Qdhf-ecsGfu-gfD4H8-8xdDYY-8xdDKS-5Qcp1F-8mzeYh-akEYja-akEW6Z-akHKsb-8xdE3w-akHKjh-akEVNa-8xaCUV 
[22] http://rabble.ca/taxonomy/term/3511 
[23] http://rabble.ca/category/tags-issues/russia-canada-relations 
[24] http://rabble.ca/category/tags/currency-devaluation 
[25] http://rabble.ca/category/tags/vladimir-putin 
[26] http://rabble.ca/category/tags/russia-sanctions 
[27] http://rabble.ca/category/tags/russian-ruble 
[28] http://rabble.ca/category/tags/dfatd 
[29] http://rabble.ca/columnists/2014/05/putin-pivot-new-era-global-politics 
[30] http://rabble.ca/columnists/2014/04/harper-on-russia-americas-useful-idiot 
[31] http://rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/djclimenhaga/2014/11/albertas-big-problem-same-russias-so-whats-stephen-harper-doing-


See also

Ruble Gains 4th Day as Russia Exporter Demand Outweighs S&P Risk: The ruble gained for a fourth day as tax payments and speculation Russian exporters are being pushed to sell foreign currency outweighed concern that the sovereign’s credit rating will be cut to junk.

Informal capital controls arrest Russian ruble's slide: The rouble hit its highest levels in two weeks on Tuesday, shored up by informal capital control measures designed to head off a repeat of the inflation and protests that marked Russia's 1998 financial crisis.

Russia Offers Dollar Loans to Aid Banks Before Debt Payments: The Bank of Russia will offer banks four-week and one-year funding in dollars and euros, backed by foreign-currency loans to large exporters, according to a statement today. The instrument will be available to banks with equity of at least 100 billion rubles ($1.8 billion) until 2018.

maandag 22 december 2014

MH370 was 'shot down by the US military', former airline CEO claims

 Monday 22 December 2014

A French former airline director has claimed that the US military may have shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 and covered it up.

Marc Dugain, who headed Proteus Airlines and is an established author, speculated that the Americans may have targeted the aircraft because they feared a September 11-style attack on a military base in the Indian Ocean.

In an article for French magazine Paris Match, he claimed that the Boeing 777 crashed nowhere near where international search teams have been combing the ocean for wreckage, but near an American military base in the British territory of Diego Garcia.

“It’s an extremely powerful military base. It’s surprising that the Americans have lost all trace of this aircraft. Without getting into conspiracy theories, it is a possibility that the Americans stopped this plane,” he told France Inter, according to a translation byThe Local.

Mr Dugain asked how “in our technological world” a 63 metre-long object could disappear without a trace, suggesting there must have been a deliberate effort to hide evidence.
The atoll, almost 3,000 miles north-west of Australia, has been used as a significant US military base since the 1970s and is currently home to 1,700 military personnel.
Many conspiracy theories about Diego Garcia have been aired since the disappearance of MH370 but the US government has repeatedly denied that the plane came anywhere near it.

Mr Dugain cited witnesses in the Maldives as evidence, who reportedly told him they had seen a “huge plane flying at a really low altitude” towards the island bearing the Malaysia Airlines colours.
Flight officer Rayan Gharazeddine on board a Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion, searches for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean, AustraliaA Royal Australian Air Force AP-3C Orion, searches for MH370 in the Indian Ocean

Shortly after the aircraft’s disappearance on 8 March, with 239 people from 15 countries on board, local media in the Maldives reported that an object believed to be a fire extinguisher from the plane had washed up on a beach in Baarah. 

The find was never confirmedMr Dugain argued that the MH370 may have been remotely hijacked by hackers and steered towards Diego Garcia, which is far from its planned flight path from  Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

To explain the absence of electronic communication as the plane disappeared from radar, he said a fire could have forced the crew to turn off all devices, without damaging the plane’s exterior.

A woman writes a message of support and hope for passengers of the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370

A woman writes a message of support and hope for passengers of the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370

The official report on MH370 said its passengers most probably died from suffocation as the cabin ran out of oxygen, leaving it to continue on auto-pilot until it ran out of fuel and plunged into the ocean.

No new evidence from within the Boeing 777 has emerged, leaving the Australian Transport Safety Board to compare the flight with previous disasters to draw their conclusion.

Mr Dugain claimed he had been warned by a British intelligence officer of taking “risks” by looking into the fate of MH370.

“Someone knows,” he added.

The head of Emirates, the world’s largest international airline, is among those who have echoed Mr Dugain’s questions about the availability of evidence.
Sir Tim Clark revealed his doubts in October, saying he did not believe “that the information held by some is on the table”, and that his electronic engineers believe that even with communication systems switched off, the plane would still be traceable.

Countless conspiracy theories have been floated in the nine months since MH370’s disappearance, with several claiming it was shot down either deliberately or by mistake during military exercises.

Others claim it may have flown in the “shadow” of another plane to conceal itself or was downed in a pilot suicide, life insurance scam or botched hijacking.

donderdag 11 december 2014

Rectal rehydration and standing on broken limbs: the CIA torture report's grisliest findings

Rectal rehydration and standing on broken limbs: the CIA torture report's grisliest findings

Parts of the CIA interrogation programme were known, but the catalogue of abuse is nightmarish, especially knowing much more will never be revealed
The full horror of the CIA interrogation and detention programmes launched in the wake of the September 11 terror attack was laid bare in the long-awaited Senate report released on Tuesday.
While parts of the programme had been known – and much more will never be revealed – the catalogue of abuse is nightmarish and reads like something invented by the Marquis de Sade or Hieronymous Bosch.
Detainees were forced to stand on broken limbs for hours, kept in complete darkness, deprived of sleep for up to 180 hours, sometimes standing, sometimes with their arms shackled above their heads.
Prisoners were subjected to “rectal feeding” without medical necessity. Rectal exams were conducted with “excessive force”. The report highlights one prisoner later diagnosed with anal fissures, chronic hemorrhoids and “symptomatic rectal prolapse”.
The report mentions mock executions, Russian roulette. US agents threatened to slit the throat of a detainee’s mother, sexually abuse another and threatened prisoners’ children. One prisoner died of hypothermia brought on in part by being forced to sit on a bare concrete floor without pants.

The dungeon

The CIA began the establishment of a specialised detention centre, codenamed DETENTION SITE COBALT, in April 2002. Although its location is not identified in the report it has been widely identified as being in Afghanistan. Conditions at the site were described in the report as poor “and were especially bleak early in the program”.
The CIA chief of interrogations described COBALT as “a dungeon”. There were 20 cells, with blacked-out windows. Detainees were “kept in complete darkness and constantly shackled in isolated cells with loud music and only a bucket to use for human waste”. It was cold, something the report says likely contributed to the death of a detainee.
Prisoners were walked around naked or were shackled with their hands above their heads for extended periods of time. About five CIA officers would engage in what is described as a “rough takedown”. A detainee would be shouted at, have his clothes cut off, be secured with tape, hooded and dragged up and down a long corridor while being slapped and punched.
A CIA photograph shows a waterboard at the site, surrounded by buckets and a bottle of an unknown pink solution and a watering can resting on the beams of the waterboard. The CIA failed to provide a detailed explanation of the items in the photograph.

Frozen to death

Gul Rahman

Gul Rahman died in the early hours of 20 November 2002, after being shackled to a cold concrete wall in a secret CIA prison. Photograph: AP

At COBALT, the CIA interrogated in 2002 Gul Rahman, described as a suspected Islamic extremist. He was subjected to “48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment”.
CIA headquarters suggested “enhanced measures” might be needed to get him to comply. A CIA officer at COBALT ordered Rahman be “shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor”.
He was only wearing a sweatshirt as a CIA officer has ordered his clothes to be removed earlier after judging him to be uncooperative during an interrogation.
The next day, guards found Rahman dead. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”. An initial CIA review and cable sent to CIA headquarters after his death included a number of misstatements and omissions.

Shackled to the wall

The CIA in the first half of 2003 interrogated four detainees described as having “medical complications in their lower extremities”: two had a broken foot, one had a sprained ankle and one a prosthetic leg.
CIA officers shackled each of them in a standing position for sleep deprivation for extended periods until medical staff assessed they could no longer maintain that position.
“The two detainees that each had a broken foot were also subjected to walling, stress positions and cramped confinement, despite the note in their interrogation plans that these specific enhanced interrogation techniques were not requested because of the medical condition of the detainees,” the report says.

‘Rectal feeding’

CIA operatives subjected at least five detainees to what they called “rectal rehydration and feeding”.
One CIA cable released in the report reveals that detainee Majid Khan was administered by enema his “‘lunch tray’ consisting of hummus, pasta with sauce, nuts and raisins was ‘pureed and rectally infused’”. One CIA officer’s email was in the report quoted as saying “we used the largest Ewal [sic] tube we had”.
Rectal feeding is of limited application in actually keeping a person alive or administering nutrients, since the colon and rectum cannot absorb much besides salt, glucose and a few minerals and vitamins. The CIA administered rectal rehydration to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed “without a determination of medical need” and justified “rectal fluid resuscitation” of Abu Zubaydah because he “partially refus[ed] liquids”. Al-Nashiri was given an enema after a brief hunger strike.
Risks of rectal feeding and rehydration include damage to the rectum and colon, triggering bowels to empty, food rotting inside the recipient’s digestive tract, and an inflamed or prolapsed rectum from carless insertion of the feeding tube. The report found that CIA leadership was notified that rectal exams may have been conducted with “Excessive force”, and that one of the detainees, Mustafa al-Hawsawi, suffered from an anal fissure, chronic hemorrhoids and symptomatic rectal prolapse.
The CIA’s chief of interrogations characterized rectal rehydration as a method of “total control” over detainees, and an unnamed person said the procedure helped to “clear a person’s head”.

Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah and KSM

The report suggests Abu Zubaydah was a broken man after his extensive interrogations. In CIA documents he is described as having become so compliant that “when the interrogator raised his eyebrows” he would walk to the “water table” and sit down. The interrogator only had to snap his fingers twice for Abu Zabaydah to lie down, ready for water-boarding, the report says.
“At times Abu Zubaydah was described as ‘hysterical’ and ‘distressed to the level that he was unable effectively to communicate’. Waterboarding sessions ‘resulted in immediate fluid intake and involuntary leg, chest and arm spasms’ and ‘hysterical pleas’. In at least one waterboarding session, Abu Zubaydah ‘became completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth’ ... Abu Zubaydah remained unresponsive until medical intervention, when he regained consciousness and ‘expelled copious amounts of liquid’.”
The CIA doctor overseeing the waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed said that the prisoner was ingesting so much water that he or she was no longer concerned that regurgitated gastric acid was likely to damage his oesophagus. But, the doctor warned, the CIA should start using saline, because his electrolytes were becoming too diluted.

The forgotten man chained to a wall

One CIA interrogator at COBALT reported that “‘literally, a detainee could go for days or weeks without anyone looking at him’, and that his team found one detainee who ‘as far as we could determine’, had been chained to a wall in a standing position for 17 days’.’ Some prisoners were said to be like dogs in kennels: “When the doors to their cells were pened, ‘they cowered.’”
In April 2006, during a CIA briefing, President George W Bush, expressed discomfort at the “image of a detainee, chained to the ceiling, clothed in a diaper, and forced to go to the bathroom on himself”. This man is thought to be Ridha al-Najjar, who was forced to spend 22 hours each day with one or both wrists chained to an overhead bar, for two consecutive days, while wearing a diaper. His incarceration was concealed from the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation involved keeping detainees awake for up to 180 hours, usually standing or in stress positions, at times with their hands shackled above their heads. At least five detainees experienced disturbing hallucinations during prolonged sleep deprivation and, in at least two of those cases, the CIA nonetheless continued the sleep deprivation.” One of the prisoners forced to say awake for seven-and-a-half days was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Most of this time he was forced to stand. The report says that former CIS director Michael Hayden was aware that Mohammed had been deprived of sleep for this period.

Guantanamo Bay
At the direction of the White House, the secretaries of state and defence – both principals on the National Security Council – were not briefed on the programme’s specifics until September 2003 Photograph: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

CIA lied to officials

The White House, National Security Council (NSC) and others were given “extensive amounts of inaccurate and incomplete information” related to the operation and effectiveness of the CIA’s detention and interrogation programme. No CIA officer briefed the president on the specific CIA enhanced interrogation techniques before April 2006. The CIA did not inform two secretaries of state of the locations of CIA detention facilities, despite the foreign policy implications and the fact that the political leaders of host countries were generally informed of their existence. FBI director Robert Mueller was denied access to CIA detainees that the FBI believed was necessary to understand domestic threats.

The White House kept key members of its team in the dark

At the direction of the White House, the secretaries of state and defence – both principals on the National Security Council – were not briefed on the programme’s specifics until September 2003. An internal CIA email from July 2003 noted that the White House was “extremely concerned” that secretary of state Colin Powell “would blow his stack if he were to be briefed on what’s been going on.”

Wrongfully detained

Among its findings, the report says that: “The CIA did not conduct a comprehensive or accurate accounting of the number of individuals it detained, and held individuals who did not meet its own legal standard for detention.”
The CIA acknowledged to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) in February 2006 that it had wrongly detained five individuals throughout the course of its detention programme. The report’s review of CIA records indicates that at least 21 additional individuals, or a total of 26 of the 119 (22%), of detainees identified did not meet the CIA’s standard for detention.
The report calls the number “a conservative calculation” and notes it does not include “individuals about whom there was internal disagreement within the CIA over whether the detainee met the standard or not, or the numerous detainees who, following their detention and interrogation, were found not to ‘pose a continuing threat of violence or death to US persons and interests’ or to be ‘planning terrorist activities’.
With one exception, the reports says there are no CIA records that indicate that anyone was held accountable for “the detention of individuals the CIA itself determined were wrongfully detained.”

CIA misled the press

The CIA gave inaccurate information to journalists in background briefings to mislead the public about the efficacy of its interrogation programme, the report reveals.
“In seeking to shape press reporting … CIA officers and the CIA’s Office of Public Affairs (OPA) provided unattributed background information on the program to journalists for books, articles and broadcasts, including when the existence of the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program was still classified,” the report said.
It also added that when this still-classified information was published, the CIA did not, as a matter of policy, submit crime reports – highlighting a gulf between officially sanctioned leaks and non-sanctioned whistleblowing, the latter of which is often heavily prosecuted.
The report refers to Ronald Kessler’s book The CIA At War. An unidentified party at the CIA – the name and office is redacted – decided not to open an investigation into the publication of classified information by Kiessler “because ‘OPA provided assistance with the book.’”
An article by Douglas Jehl in the New York Times also contained “significant classified information,” which was also not investigated because it was based on information provided by the CIA.
Both the book and the article, the report continues, contained inaccurate information about the effectiveness of CIA interrogation programs, and untrue accounts of interrogations.
Many of the inaccuracies the CIA fed to journalists, the report says, were consistent with inaccurate information being provided by the agency to policymakers at the time.
 This article was amended on 10 December 2014. Colin Powell was secretary of state in the Bush administration, not defence secretary as an earlier version said.