dinsdag 25 juni 2024

PM's Wife, Sara Netanyahu, Tells Hostage Families Army Chiefs Want to Stage a Coup Against Her Husband


PM's Wife, Sara Netanyahu, Tells Hostage Families Army Chiefs Want to Stage a Coup Against Her Husband

In a small meeting with a handful of hostage families, the prime minister's wife repeatedly stated that she doesn't trust army leaders. 'The plague of false, tendentious and constant leaks about Mrs. Netanyahu constitutes a heinous injustice,' said a spokesman on her behalf
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Sara Netanyahu at a prayer ceremony at the Western Wall in support of the return of the Israeli hostages, in March.
Sara Netanyahu at a prayer ceremony at the Western Wall in support of the return of the Israeli hostages, in March.Credit: Noam Revkin-Fenton
In a private meeting with a handful of hostage families last week, Sara Netanyahu, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's wife, accused the heads of the Israel Defense Forces of seeking to stage a military coup against her husband.
In the meeting, Netanyahu repeated several times that she doesn't trust the army leadership, prompting some of the participants to interrupt her to say that the fate of their children depended on the army.
She responded by clarifying that her distrust applies only to senior army figures, not the IDF as a whole, and insisted that the army brass wants to stage a coup. She repeated that assertion more than once during the conversation.
In response to the report, a spokesperson speaking on Netanyahu's behalf said, "The plague of false, tendentious, and constant leaks about Mrs. Netanyahu constitutes a heinous injustice."

As a result of the unusual nature of Netanyahu's remarks, they were brought to the attention of several high-ranking IDF officers.
Apart from family members, several army officials were also present at the meeting, including Col. (res.) Varda Pomerantz, formerly head of the IDF's casualties branch and herself a bereaved mother, who represented the prime minister's Coordinator for the Hostages and the Missing headed by Brig.-Gen. (Res.) Gal Hirsch.
Einav Zangauker, whose son Matan was taken hostage on October 7, said in response to the report, "Instead of doing everything to save lives, [Netanyahu] is spreading delusional conspiracies and is busy inciting and sowing division. If this is what the Netanyahu family thinks and this is how things are handled, what wonder is it that there's no [hostage] deal and that the country is going up in flames? Today it's already clear that there will be no deal and there will be no revival [for Israel] as long as Netanyahu is in power."
The meeting took place several days after Yair Netanyahu, the son of Sara and Prime Minister Netanyahu, attacked the army brass over social media. Last Saturday, he shared a video in which Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi, Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar and retired IDF intelligence chief Aharon Haliva were called "fatal failures."
Subsequently, Yair Netanyahu posted a tweet in which he wrote, "What are they [the army heads] trying to hide? If this wasn't treason, why are they so afraid of being investigated by independent external factors over what happened?"
A spokesman for Sara Netanyahu said, "Since the start of the [Gaza] war, Mrs. Netanyahu has been working at her own initiative for the families of the hostages, bereaved families, the families of the murdered and all those in pain due to this difficult war, and helps as much as she can.
"Therefore, the plague of false, tendentious and constant leaks about Mrs. Netanyahu constitutes a heinous injustice. Despite the voices that try to harm and undermine her, Mrs. Netanyahu will continue her activities for those who were harmed in the war and pray for the speedy return home of all 120 hostages."

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