Netanyahu told to ‘quit now’ as ex-leaders pin blame on dysfunctional government
Former military officers and politicians say prime minister bears responsibility for the failures that led to the Hamas incursion
Former Israeli military, political and intelligence officials have expressed doubts over the leadership of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as debate rages inside the country about the response to the Hamas attacks on 7 October that killed 1,400 Israelis.
Former prime minister Ehud Barak described the terrorist attack as “the most severe blow Israel has suffered since its establishment to date”. “I don’t believe that the people trust Netanyahu to lead when he is under the burden of such a devastating event that just happened under his term,” he told the Observer.
A former chief of staff of the Israel Defence Forces said that Netanyahu should “resign now”, while a former intelligence official described the government as “dysfunctional”.
The interventions come amid growing concern in Israel at the government’s attempts to free some of the 200 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. Some families of those held hostage have begged the government to negotiate before invading Gaza, while others have said that only an immediate military operation to destroy Hamas’s leadership can provide a solution, even if this risks the safety of the hostages.
Barak, one of Israel’s most decorated soldiers, who participated in several hostage rescue operations, said: “The hostages are a major issue, one that has the attention of our leadership and our people, but at the same time there is a need to eliminate the military capability of Hamas and its role as the ruler of the Gaza Strip.”

He described the attack by Hamas as “a major failure. It’s the most severe blow Israel has suffered since its establishment to date ... I don’t believe the people trust Netanyahu to lead when he is under the burden of such a devastating event that just happened under his term.
“It’s clear this was negligence and failure on several levels. It was a failure of our intelligence to follow the preparations that took place over the past year, perhaps longer,” he said. “It’s not easy to decide on the spot what really happened but, for sure, the public lost its trust, both in the army and in the political leadership.”
Netanyahu, who has held office for a total of more than 16 years, had already drawn widespread criticism from much of the Israeli public, former military leadership and other former officials about his efforts to overhaul the Israeli judiciary before the devastating attack on 7 October. The Israeli PM also remains embroiled in a corruption trial on an array of charges including fraud, breaching public trust and accepting bribes, all of which he denies.
Cabinet ministers including the controversial far-right finance minister Bezalel Smotrich, defence chiefs including the Israeli military chief of staff Herzi Halevi, and Ronen Bar, who heads Israel’s domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Bet, have all apologised for the failure of the Israeli government to protect its citizens after the attack. A recent poll found that 80% of Israelis want Netanyahu to take responsibility for the failures that allowed Hamas’s incursion. In a separate poll earlier this month, 56% said Netanyahu should resign after the war ends.
Lt Gen Dan Halutz, a former chief of staff of the IDF and commander of the Israeli air force, as well as an outspoken member of the movement that opposed Netanyahu’s judicial reforms, said the Israeli premier was unlikely to issue a public apology.
“Our chief of staff, the head of the intelligence, the heads of the military establishment already said it: they are taking full responsibility for what happened. I believe all of them see their mission right now as being to win, and then go home,” he said.
“I expect the same from our prime minister, but he is dealing with small politics. A minute after the events started in Gaza, he started to think about his future instead of thinking about the people.”

The hostage crisis, Halutz said, “can influence the timetable of any activity. On a personal level I’d say if it’s possible to solve it quickly, I’d prefer to solve the issue of the hostages first and then continue with a military campaign ... the families of the hostages expect [Netanyahu] to complete the mission and bring them back ... anyone in Israel who might be in control understands that the hostages are our first priority.”
While protesters who gathered outside the Israeli military headquarters in Tel Aviv expressed concern that Netanyahu was unfit to lead Israel in this moment of crisis, Halutz said he continued to trust military leaders directing Israel’s attack on the Gaza Strip. Israeli bombardments of the territory have killed more then 4,385 people and injured an estimated 13,000 over the past two weeks, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.
“From my point of view, [Netanyahu] should resign now, as we speak. There are better people to handle it,” he said.
“He thinks that he’s above God, he thinks he’s the saviour of Israel and unfortunately we failed to explain that it’s the other way around, that he is the destroyer of Israel and his personal issues are leading him and not the country to benefit,” he said.
“There are different opinions, but I believe that I represent at least half the population with what I am saying.”
Former Israeli intelligence official Avi Melamed said: “It’s clear this government is dysfunctional in many aspects. This is a sentiment expressed by many Israelis who are saying clearly this government is a disaster.”
Melamed sounded uncomfortable when discussing the government’s response to the crisis, a sentiment shared by some who say they are reluctant to politicise discussions of the hostage crisis or the state’s response to the security failures.
“I am sorry to say it, but I don’t think Netanyahu’s performance or actions are any kind of an inspiring role model,” he said. “It seems he doesn’t think he has any kind of responsibility. I really struggle to see a situation where Netanyahu can continue to lead as if nothing happened.”
Barak added: “You cannot lead Israel through such a demanding crisis, both politically and strategically, when you are responsible for the most severe kind of failure of government in the history of the country, and you cannot rebuild this trust from zero. So the country has to find a way to replace him in leading the government.”
My comments
The blame
gaming and the jockeying for positions (preferably on high places) has already
started in full traction.
However the most crucial
question has been kept out of the discussion for now, and that is the
explanation for the fact, that the Netanyahu government - in high probability
range - purposely had chosen to (seemingly) ignore all the Hamas preparations
(that all took place in plain sight) for their attack, in order to be able to
undertake another further powergrab.
Of course the Netanyahu coup
against the Israeli Supreme Court - which does inhibit unwritten powers, to
intervene in Knesset and governmental undertakings - had been a kind of
introduction to all the things that followed thereafter, but can easily be
explained by the consideration, that Netanyahu undertook this powergrab, in
order to be able to stay in power (and not being removed from office in order
to be brought to justice)
Another explanation for
purposely ignoring the Hamas preparations, could easily have been the
consideration, that the turmoil caused by such an attack, should have
maneuvered him into a position of gaining extra authority (powers), necessary
to fight his internal opponents.
The same thing can be said
about the consideration, that Netanyahu might have purposely ignored the Hamas
preparations (for everyone to see far before the attack actually took place),
in the expectation, that all the opposition against his initial powergrab might
melt away immediately after the attack, where he might have anticipated, the
(usual) reflex of the electorate in a war situation, namely rallying around the
leader (*).
But all these premises do need
the general assumption, that all the other persons in power (all the
information institutes and all the other comparable organisations, responsible
for the defense of "The State") at the same time, either had been
into the Netanyahu plot, or might all have failed miserably, of recognizing all
the clear indications : I tend to choose for the first option…
All the high players in the
different platforms of power over there, knew exactly what they were doing by
allowing Netanyahu to play his came of willfully inviting the Hamas attack,
anticipating for the next opportunity to intensify the continuous Nakbah in the
former LoN Palestine mandate, and that is exactly what is happening as we
speak : Orders from the authorities towards the Gazan population, to collective
move to the East, are an ominous sign of all the terrible things that will
arrive shortly.
It struck me by the way, that
after it had become clear, that he had been overplaying his position (his
hand), he did agree to a government of unity (which also might dilute his
responsibility, when (or if) there will be the day of reckoning).
Having said all this, I at the
same time do think it is a bit rich, that the critics from the ranks of former
leaders, themselves are not exactly in the possession of a clean sheet of
One could for example ask the
all to legitimate question whether someone like Barak can be considered the
most appropriate person, to criticize Netanyahu, given his close relationship
with someone like Jeffrey Epstein (unless the supposition had been right, that
Epstein (including the daughter of Mossad asset Robert Maxwell (**)) and his
undertakings, had been a full time, prominent asset to the Mossad, which I do
consider a credible assumption, for blackmail has always been an acceptable way
of operation within the security services).
(*) One still have to
remember that the extreme-right coalition in the Knesset, that allowed Netayahu
to stay in power, had aroused almost collective public outcry - not just by
limiting the power of the Supreme Court, but also) because of the fact, that
this coalition did intend to narrowing down the criteria of the definition that
does determine who can call him or herself "a Jew" in the sense of
the law of "birthright" (the latter is important for the
determination the answer to the question of whom will be able to claim (keep on
claiming) automatic citizenship in the former LoN mandate, and all the
advantages that does come with it).
(**) The zionist enterprise has always been heavily depended on
stealing all kinds of items from everyone else in the world - whether it had
been stealing
the atomic ingredients (Uranium from the USA), airplanes from and by way of Czechoslovakia and so-called made-unable-to-use weaponry (such as the massive stock
of USA
machineguns, left over
from WWII, that had been transported towards Palestine by (ships from)
USA-Jewish organized crime in combination with
the Hagana) from the
No-one else had been more situated in the right position to steal precious
and profitable secrets, than Robert Maxwell during his time at the helm of the
publisher of scientific papers Reed International PLC, that enabled him, to
first sifting through the treasure trove of highly usable high profile concepts
for the use by "The State Of Israel". Preferably firstly played in
the hands of some Jewish academic researchers, so he or she would be able a. to
apply for a prestigious Nobel Prize and b. to share in the honors (and profit),
and 3. at the same time starken the public image (read : Myth) of inherent
Jewish superiority represented by a Nobel Prise.
Speaking about the zionist preoccupation with stealing as a main tool in their
never ending development equipment, I hardly could leave out the biggest steal
of all : The wholesale theft of the territory of Palestine by
Notwithstanding the Macmahon correspondence (1915-1916) about a sacred pledge
to the Palestinians, that if they would assist the British with removing the
reign of the Ottomans, they would be given immediate independence,
notwithstanding that Pledge the zionists (Weismann and Cie.) somehow succeeded
in manipulating the British, into completely ignoring that pledge, and instead
signing the so-called Balfour Agreement (end of 1917) with the Loyd-George
government of the time, about (the promise of) a jewish home in Palestine,
including the promise that the Jewish Herbert Samual, would be appointed the
first British High Commissioner of the Palestine Mandate. The signature of then
foreign secretary Balfour did appear on the document, that had been addressed
to Lionel Walter Rotschild (!).
This all
had been arranged, while earlier in 1916 the French and the British did sign a secret
agreement (Sykes-Picot) about the division of Palestine into a southern part and a Northern
part of the region (including parts of Lebanon, The Sinai and a part of modern
Egypt (curiously exactly mirroring the Eretz-Jisrael definition of the
revisionist Zeev Jabotinsky, who had been a serious undermining factor in
the Zionist process himself (see the provocation of the so-called Hebron
massacre by Zionist jews of the time, such as by the violent Mussolini adepts
of his Betar youth movement at the time)).
Fact of the matter however is the judicial bottom line of international
agreements, that the native population of Palestine had been living in
Palestine for millennia, and only a tiny minority of Jews had been present in
that country during that time, which according to the USA president Woodrow
Wilson - who did produce a so-called Ten Point Plan in which he had ordered the
re-arrangement of the post WWI world – should have resulted at the immediate
transfer of full political power to the native inhabitants of Palestine…
Although according to that plan, the native Palestinians should have been offered immediate independence (see in this respect the way the USA King-Crane commission) the Jewish Zionists and the French / UK had been brutally sabotaging the efforts of Wilson in this respect.
The public call for Isolationism of the USA from the world scenery, did in fact
cause the lack of policy power from the USA to realize that commitment.
The Paris
Peace conference of 1919 and all the subsequent conferences on the subject
(Sevres. San Remo etc.) of the allocation of Palestine to the indigenous
Palestinians had been factually hy-jacked by the Zionists who had manipulated a
large number of self-invited representatives to this crucial Conference, while
“the arabs” did boycott this Conference out of indignation, that their
territory had been cynically given away by the then-western Powers.
The rest of the story can be briefly described as the initiation of an
intensive process of The Great Replacement of the native Palestinians, by
Jewish-Zionist emigrees from Europe.
A process, that found an all-time low at the Nakba of 1948, where Jewish
zionists, forcefully removed more than 750.000 inhabitants from about 500 of
their own villages. Many Palestinians had been (purposely) killed in that
process by Jewish terror groups as the Stern group, The Lehi (Begin) and the
Irgunn (Shamir) while the Hagana secretly had been supporting all these groups,
including the fatal bombing of the King David Hotel, which inhibited the UK
Mandate administration at that time (medeo 1946).
It has been the Lehi group, that assassinated Lord Moynes in November 1944,
while at the same time a terrorist delegation had been stationed in London, to
kill Western WWII leader Winston Churchill......
See this
article in Mondoweisz about this same subject from the
hands of the Jewish author Thomas Suarez, to get a detailed picture of what has
occurred in the years leading up to the one-sided declaration of Independence
by the terrorist facilitator Weizmann and the first PM was the likewise
complicit David Ben-Gurion : The article as the book are called "State
of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel"...
Suarez had
been intensively researching the subject of terrorism - used by the Jewish
Zionist as their main tool to achieve the objective of the zionists - i.e. the
foundation of "The (mono-nationalist) State Of Israel" - by
studying the UK archives about their leading role during the Mandate of
colleagues of the so-called group of New Historians, had mainly and
successfully used the Hagana/IDF archives, who have been made
successfully unavailable since it became clear, that this sensitive
information, did seriously undermine the artificial official narrative of
"the threatening Arab armies, steaming up to liberate the (occupied)
territory of the Palestinians".
The process
of the massive transfer of the autochthonous Palestinians to other countries -
and at the same time the wholesale import of allochthonous Jews by western
zionist jews - might have known an all time low at the Nakba, but in reality,
the Nakba had been just a stage of
temporary intensification of this process, that had begun from the word Go (for
the UK LoN mandate of Palestine, until this very time).
The |Netanyahu effort to have the Gazans replaced within the Gaza Strip does have all the hallmarks of another intensifying phase in the everlasting process of replacing the original population of Palestinians by Zionist Jews, and such had been the wholesale acquisition by the Zionist Jews of the essential Water Aquivers under the Gaza strip (the poisoning of Palestinian wells and the destruction of olive orchards, to have the Palestinians purged from their own territory.
Also do mark the fact, that from the perspective of the totally innocent Palestinians, this - from the very beginning - is not a war arriving from the content of their (mostly mixed christian and Islamic) religion, but the all too legitemate exercise of basic Self Defense against a highly religiously motivated force from outside the ME (assisted by the neo-colonial Mandate Holder the UK), that has invaded THEIR country in order to take total controll of that territory and remove the indigenous Palestinians!
Do not
forget in the meantime, that all the speculation about the Jews being a kind of
a physically separate (even superior) race "Chosen as a Favorite
People" by their (imagined) spiritual Leader (Jaweh), that should have
handed the Rights of eternal ownership of Palestine to this People, so
they can prepare the coming of the Messiah, is in fact only based on myths, and
nothing else.
Myths such
as the myth that the contemporaneous Jews, would be genetically stemming from
the People of Canaan, and that the only person that is entitled to call him or
herself a Jew, is when his or her mother-side has Jewish Genes. The
problem however with that tradition of Thought, is that biologically, there is
- see for example Zoosmann-Diskin - NO
such a thing as A Jewish Gene (let alone a genetical relation between the Jews
of today with the ancient Jews from those times immemorial in the antique
In other words : the Jewish identity is exclusively derived from nurture Indoctrination / self-delusion), and not by nature, just like any other religion in the world..
Directly in
this line of contemplation, there is the Diaspora Myth, that does try to keep
up the appearance that "The Jews" had once upon a time collectively
been uprooted during the Roman Times (which however never ever had been
affirmed by historians, as is the Myth of the enslavement of the Jewish People
by the Egyptians and the subsequent Myth of being led by "Moses"
through the deserts and through the Red Sea towards the lands of affluence of
milk and honey of Canaan).
Well, Herzl
already revealed the true intention / objective of the zionists in his diaries
(but not in his Zionist Pamphlet, called : Der Judenstaat, Versuch einer
modernen Loesung der Judenfrage).
A phrase that – as is well known - in turn, had been viciously abused by the notoriously criminal Hitler-gang, in order to help them to organize the dreadful nazi-holocaust. This fact does also imply, that the nazi-holocaust has been an exclusive (mainly european orientated) colonial endeaver from the German-Austrian Hitler-regime. Which comclusion in its turn does mean, that there is no room for a kind of cynical swap-option : The native Palestinians forced out and "Palestine a mono-ethno state for the Jews" as a "compensation" for the (western-originated) nazi-Holocaust.
Do also bear in mind, that it has been the trillions of USA Benjamins through the years, that have heavily facilitate the criminal setler-colonial aspirations of the political Benjamins of this occupying entity.....
A deadly revealing citation from the Herzl diaries in this respect, is written as followed : “Let those indigenous people firstly transform the many swamps into fertile farmland and let them subsequently remove the many deadly snakes, and then transfer them unnoticed (quietly, secretly, stealthily) over the land border to a neighboring country” and this process of a continuous Nakbah, has been intensified again the last weeks.
I will give
the links towards some supplementary information on a variety of aspects of this
1. 1.
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