donderdag 15 maart 2018

Spy poisoning: allies back UK and blast Russia at UN security council

Spy poisoning: allies back UK and blast Russia at UN security council

US ambassador says Russia behind attack with ‘military-grade nerve agent’, while Moscow’s envoy replies with false-flag conspiracy theory

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 Russia should be held accountable for attack, says US – video
Russia has claimed at the UN security council that it never made or even researched novichok nerve agents, which the UK says were used in the Salisbury attack on a former Russia spy and his daughter.

However, the UK received overwhelming support from its allies on the council, including the US, amid heated debate on Wednesday night. Washington’s envoy, Nikki Haley, delivered the most unambiguous statement of support from the Trump administration so far.
In her statement on behalf of the US, Haley said: “Let me make one thing clear from the very beginning: the United States stands in absolute solidarity with Great Britain. The United States believes that Russia is responsible for the attack on two people in the United Kingdom using a military-grade nerve agent.”
Presenting the UK case to the UN security council on Wednesday, Britain’s deputy permanent representative, Jonathan Allen, said Russia was “in serious breach of the Chemical Weapons Convention through its failure to declare the novichok programme”.
“This fact alone means you should discount any arguments you hear about the possibility of other countries having inherited this technology,” he said.
“This was no common crime. It was an unlawful use of force, a violation of ... the United Nations charter, the basis of the international legal order,” Allen said.
Amid heated debate, the Russian envoy, Vissaly Nebenzia, rejected UK accusations of responsibility and suggested that the British government might have carried out the attack itself in an effort to “tarnish” Russia ahead of the football World Cup this summer. “No scientific research or development under the title novichok were carried out,” he said. He alleged the Salisbury attack was a false-flag attack, possibly by the UK itself, intended to harm Russia’s reputation. “Most probable source of this agent are the countries who have carried out research on these weapons, including Britain,” Nebenzia said.

 Russian ambassador responds to UK and US accusations in the UN - video

But Haley, the US ambassador, said: “This is a defining moment. Time and time again, member states say they oppose the use of chemical weapons under any circumstance. Now, one member stands accused of using chemical weapons on the sovereign soil of another member. The credibility of this council will not survive if we fail to hold Russia accountable.”

The Russian ambassador sought to turn the tables on the UK, claiming that Theresa May’s letter to the UN, outlining UK grounds for accusing Russia, was itself a “threat to a sovereign state”.
“The letter contains completely irresponsible statements which are even difficult for me to comment on using diplomatic vocabulary,” the Russian envoy said. He later told reporters that the case belonged at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague. “We are ready to cooperate,” he said.
Allen pointed out that the UK had already called in the OPCW to take part in the investigation. He described extensive evidence that novichok nerve agents had been developed by the Soviet Union and bequeathed to Russia.
The French ambassador, François Delattre, made a similar declaration backing the UK position, offering “the full support and complete solidarity of France for the UK”.
“We have reached a new stage: the use of a substance never declared to the OPCW used in a public area in the territory of a European country,” DeLattre said.

My Comments

Disclaimer :  I do detest the abhorrent, authoritarian, White supremacist and oligarch orientated Putin as much as I do detest his abhorrent, authoritarian, White supremacist and oligarch orientated USA counterpart, Trump.

1. In stead of comparing the Skripal nerve gas dossier with the WMD Iraq dossier as Corbyn did - which comparison in my opinion is also a completely valid and legitimate approach (from Corbyn) to the apparently artificially blown-up, politically motivated, tactical hysteria from the May government and elements from Labour alike - I recently did compare the Skripal attack-dossier to the five or so, so-called WMD gas attacks in Syria, allegedly executed by the Assad government.

2. Most of those terrible WMD attacks seemed to have arrived at suspiciously convenient points in time for the Western powers - directly or by proxy - engaged in a project of systematically removing a number of heads of states within the ME region, among which president Assad was only one.

3. The Skripal attack namely, did also seem to bare some hallmarks of the "accidental" presence of suspiciously convenient circumstances and timing.

4. After all, not only can one ask for the precise motives and the exact gain for a possible involvement of Putin and his awful regime in the attack, but one has also take into account the possibility scenario, that the attack had been executed by a third party, in order to discredit the Putin regime (even more).

5. If Putin were behind the Skripal atttack, what would he have to gain from employing a nerve gas agent, which would contain that much specific characteristics of its origin, that it might be similar to handing out publicly his own signature of approval.

6. What would Putin have to gain from handing over to his opponents abroad his alleged mark of approval, which as a consequence would almost certainly escalate into the inhaling the toxic fume of even more suffocating sanctions from the West.   

7. The serious consequences of yet another tranche of economic restrictions from the West, that might almost certainly feed the already steadily growing nucleus of social unrest in Russia, which in its turn might further undermine his position of political leader 

8. On the other end of the spectre there is the fact, that we might indeed point to another field of certain third parties, that might have something substantial to win by staging such a false flag nerve gas attack on a former double agent in the name of Putin and his regime.

9. One such party might very well consist of a rogue faction from within the FSB and / or from one or more of Russian oligarchs that might have felt damaged by some punishing actions from Putin.

10. Another possible candidate that might be prepared to plant a false flag operation on UK soil to take advantage of the retaliations against Russia that might be following that attack, might be one or two parties that are engaged with Russia and its allies in the battle fields of the Middle East.

11. Which supposition does lead me to the beginning of my expose : Historically there have been several occasions, that third parties involved in the violently calving up of the ME - in order to develop one's geo-political aims in that region - have been planting false flag operations, in order to damage the enemy.

12. I even might be tempted to place the Skripal attack in a somewhat broader scheme of things, and consider it a false flag, that might be ultimately meant to prepare the way to an attack on Russian ally Iran.

13. Apart from that indication, one could observe more dynamic signs in the world that do seem to evidently point at a thorough preparation by the USA and European neo-conservatives, of planning the final stage of the decades old ideologically tainted colonial agenda that already provided for the regime change and the successive breaking up of a number of ME countries.

14. Do in this respect for example study carefully the list of seven or so nations to be attacked by the West - i.e. the famous 2001 “7 countries in 5 years” memo - that Wesley Clark did hand over to the public in 2007 or about.

15. In order to calculate on a possible success-rate of such an attack on Iran - whereby not only lots of Iranian strategic military equipment will be destroyed, but one also might try to achieve the goal of regime change - one logistically would be well advised to clear up all the possible obstacles, that might be in the way of such an attack.

15. One of the main obstacles of course will be the Iranian ally Russia, so Russia will have to be weakened at all spots that can be located, both in a economical way as in a political way.

16. Other obstacles to be taken care of will have been all the internal critics of such an attack on Iran, both in the USA and in the UK.

17. Anti-Iran, pro-Israel lobbyist Nikki Haley at the VN meeting on the nerve gas incident in the UK, also contributed with her necessary part into the total preparation for war with Iran 

18 in another development the war on Iran sceptical secretary of State Tillerson has been replaced, by the anti-Iranian hawk Pompeo, and more tactical replacements will follow suit within the next future, to prepare for the ultimate attack on Iran.


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